Do you think Macaulay Culkin started working again because he needs money or because hes bored?

I suspect he just got over the issues that plagued his 20s, which were rumoured to be extremely serious. If that's the case, I'm very happy for him. Because hes bored. I like him. He was so familiar to me as a kid that now its like hes a nice classmate from grade school that

I suspect he just got over the issues that plagued his 20s, which were rumoured to be extremely serious. If that's the case, I'm very happy for him.

by Anonymousreply 1November 8, 2021 3:21 AM

Because he’s bored.

I like him. He was so familiar to me as a kid that now it’s like he’s a nice classmate from grade school that i wish the best for.

by Anonymousreply 3November 8, 2021 3:27 AM

He was forced into acting by his insane failed stage actor of a father who wanted to live his dream through his dozens of children. Macaulay was exploited for years and his father was nasty piece of work who abused him physically and emotionally. Apart from being violated by Michael Jackson and possibly many others. He was only got out of acting because his mother gained custody over him post-divorce which thankfully separated him from his father who he has no relationship with anymore. He retired at 13 then returned to acting in his early 20s. Macaulay seems like a good person overall, he even said he forgave his dad.

by Anonymousreply 4November 8, 2021 3:29 AM

Bored. He’s wealthy. He made wise investments when he was just a teenager, after divorcing his parents (or whatever he did). He owns a shit ton of property in NYC and invested in other shit too.

by Anonymousreply 5November 8, 2021 3:32 AM

I like his brothers Kieran and Rory too. I find Kieran kinda fuckable actually.

by Anonymousreply 6November 8, 2021 3:34 AM

I thought he said he invested his money and lives frugally off the interest. He and Brenda Song just had a baby. I'm glad Mac is happy. Sounds like he had somewhat of a shit childhood.

by Anonymousreply 7November 8, 2021 3:36 AM

He's not physically attractive to me but he scored some pretty girls like Rachel Miner, Mila Kunis and Brenda Song.

by Anonymousreply 8November 8, 2021 3:37 AM

Yeah R6 Kieran is weirdly fuckable.

by Anonymousreply 9November 8, 2021 3:41 AM

I assumed Kieran was the youngest on his show but it’s the sister. Culkins are tiny and never grow up.

by Anonymousreply 10November 8, 2021 3:41 AM

I wonder how much Google paid him to do that "Home Alone Again" ad?

by Anonymousreply 11November 8, 2021 3:46 AM

Kieran is very cute. And talented.

Rory isn’t.

by Anonymousreply 12November 8, 2021 4:00 AM

I wouldn’t call being in a Ryan Murphy project with the rest of famous people’s kids working.

by Anonymousreply 14November 8, 2021 5:47 AM

He's just trolling you, OP.

by Anonymousreply 15November 8, 2021 9:10 AM

He cleaned up his act. He got bored with heroin.

by Anonymousreply 16November 8, 2021 10:09 AM

R6 Kieran and Rory ate two different people?!

by Anonymousreply 17November 8, 2021 1:18 PM

Catherine O'Hara was on WWHL not long ago and said that she had ran into him. She said that he greeted her with "Hi, Mom!" I thought that was adorable.

by Anonymousreply 19November 8, 2021 1:41 PM

I listened to his podcast because he had Natasha Lyonne on and I find her entertaining. He was rather insufferable. Talking over her, not saying anything interesting, clearly thinks he’s incredibly smart. Also kept questioning why she didn’t want children when she was pretty clear it was something she never was interested in (which is always refreshing).

I think he’s had a bunch of other guests on this podcast but I can’t imagine listening to him “interview” them.

by Anonymousreply 20November 8, 2021 2:03 PM

[quote]Kieran is very cute. And talented.

[quote] Rory isn’t.

I agree, Kieran is cute and handsome. Rory looks creepy as fuck with those eyes.

by Anonymousreply 21November 8, 2021 9:15 PM

I remember some rumor years ago that there was going to be another sequel to Father of the Bride with Kieran Culkin's character being a grown gay man getting married. I wish that movie would have been made.

by Anonymousreply 22November 8, 2021 9:21 PM

There's a YouTube channel called, "Red Letter Media" that Mac occasionally appears on. The basically just make fun of bad movies. Mac is wonderful when he's on the show, because he's relaxed and genuinely enjoying himself. I wish him well. I thought he was terrific on American Horror Story, by the way!

by Anonymousreply 23November 8, 2021 9:28 PM

Party Monster was his best role. I know it was dark subject matter, but so much of that film made me LOL.

by Anonymousreply 24November 8, 2021 9:30 PM

Because he wants to impress Mila Kunis.

by Anonymousreply 25November 8, 2021 9:40 PM

I just remember him rushing in to testify for Michael Jackson at his trial. He’s been gross to me ever since.

by Anonymousreply 26November 8, 2021 10:54 PM

R24 I loved that movie. I remember he promoted the movie on 20/20 and there was a segment where he did and Baba Wawa walked around NYC to see if people would recognize him and a few people came up to him and talked about Home Alone.

by Anonymousreply 27November 9, 2021 3:25 AM

He only works when he wants to work - he doesn't need the money

by Anonymousreply 28November 9, 2021 3:26 AM

Idk but there's something really chaotic about peaking during your childhood. I can't imagine how stressful and demoralizing that must be.

by Anonymousreply 29November 9, 2021 3:30 AM

