How to get Equilibrium Level 3 in Honkai Star Rail?

Hitting Trailblazer Level 20 is crucial in Honkai Star Rail. Doing so will enable you to enter the first part of the story and grant you the ability to increase Equilibrium Level. This is somewhat similar to Genshin Impacts equilibrium level, which represents the world level. Once you reach Level 20, youll receive a quest

Hitting Trailblazer Level 20 is crucial in Honkai Star Rail. Doing so will enable you to enter the first part of the story and grant you the ability to increase Equilibrium Level. This is somewhat similar to Genshin Impact’s equilibrium level, which represents the world level. Once you reach Level 20, you’ll receive a quest called the “Trail of the Equilibrium” rift. In these trials, you must slay some powerful monsters to prove your worth and upgrade to Level 1.

All about Equilibrium Levels and how to increase it up to level 3 in Honkai Star Rail

In Honkai Star Rail, it is crucial to increase your equilibrium level to make progress.

The first Trial of Equilibrium will be unlocked at the beginning, followed by additional trials after every 10 trailblazer levels up to level 60. The final trial will be available at level 65, despite the maximum being 70. It might be possible that will be added in the future as the game introduces new content.

To increase your Equilibrium Level from 1 to 3 in Honkai Star Rail, all you need to do is complete several trials and meet their respective requirements. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Complete the first Trial of Equilibrium as soon as you hit Trailblazer Level 20. In this trial, you must defeat several powerful monsters to upgrade your Equilibrium Level to level 1.
  • Once you reach Trailblazer Level 30, you will unlock the second Trial of Equilibrium. You need to complete this trial to upgrade to Equilibrium 2.
  • After completing the second trial, reach Trailblazer Level 40. Once you are at Level 40, you will unlock the third Trial of Equilibrium. Complete the third attempt to upgrade your Equilibrium Level to level 3.

Why is it important to increase Equilibrium Levels?

Completing an Equilibrium trial rift will hand you immediate rewards. This also rewards you for most of the daily content, such as Echo of War, Stagnant Shadow, Cavern of Corrosion, and Calyx.

However, there is a downside to all of this. You encounter stronger enemies with every subsequent re-attempt. As a result, these trials can be challenging, and it is recommended to pick the right team to complete them. Hence, completing the Equilibrium trial rifts requires you to do prior planning and plotting before eventually laying out the ideal team of characters. Whatever composition of teams you decide to put in the end, make sure to pick at least one high-level healer on your side.

Moreover, after successfully completing the Trial of Equilibrium in Honkai Star Rail, you will be able to increase your Levels which will eventually unlock new paths for your characters.

This wraps up our guide on progressing to Equilibrium Level 3 in Honkai Star Rail and using them to get regular rewards. Make sure to check out our other guides on Honkai Star Rail and keep tabs on us for all the latest news updates about the gaming world.

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