"I would invade his favela on horseback"

Conor McGregor is undoubtedly one of the best trash talkers the world of combat sports has ever seen. While there have been a number of moments when 'The Notorious' has gone viral with his replies, one that stands out is the one he made in 2015 prior to his bout against Jose Aldo. A press

Conor McGregor is undoubtedly one of the best trash talkers the world of combat sports has ever seen.

While there have been a number of moments when 'The Notorious' has gone viral with his replies, one that stands out is the one he made in 2015 prior to his bout against Jose Aldo. A press conference for the bout was held in Rio Di Janeiro and as one would assume, fans from Brazil weren't the biggest supporters of McGregor.

During the press conference, Conor McGregor was asked to give his reaction to being called a joker by Jose Aldo. Upon hearing this, the crowd started booing the Irishman but what followed next has gone down as one of the most infamous McGregor moments in the UFC. He said:

“I own this town, I own Rio de Janeiro, I'm sitting up here with my feet on the desk. What's anyone up there gonna do about it? Not one of you is going to do anything about it. My name, the McGregor name, my family's motto is 'S Rioghal Mo Dhream' that means royal is in my blood that goes way back. So for him to say that he is the king and I am the joker, if this was a different time, I would invade his favela on horseback, and would kill anyone who wasn’t fit to work. But we’re in a new time, so I’ll whoop his a** in July.”

Jose Aldo and Conor McGregor stepped into the octagon at UFC 194 where the Irishman handed Aldo his first defeat in over a decade with an emphatic KO just 13 seconds into the bout.

Oleksandr Usyk makes fun of Conor McGregor's weight, calls him out for a boxing fight

Boxing heavyweight champion Oleksandr Usyk recently called out Conor McGregor for putting on weight and jokingly called him out for a matchup inside the squared circle. It is worth noting that McGregor has significantly bulked up in size and seems to be nowhere near the weight he used to compete at.

During a recent interview with SecondsOut, Oleksandr Usyk was asked to comment on the Francis Ngannou vs. Tyson Fury matchup set to take place in October later this year. To this, Usyk replied by calling out McGregor for a fight at Wembley Stadium in London, United Kingdom. He said:

"I saw that Conor McGregor put significant weight. Hey Conor, why don't we make a fight at Wembley."

Catch Usyk's comments in the video below (2:51):

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