Lady Gaga did bags of cocaine & listened to The Cure

As Ive mentioned before, I dont really have a problem with Lady Gaga. I dont think shes as original or as groundbreaking as she thinks she is, but generally speaking, she seems pretty harmless. But one thing I do find funny is how everyone basically goes along with the idea that shes 23 years old.

As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t really have a problem with Lady Gaga. I don’t think she’s as original or as groundbreaking as she thinks she is, but generally speaking, she seems pretty harmless. But one thing I do find funny is how everyone basically goes along with the idea that she’s “23 years old”. Really? I mean, she honestly might be 23, if she’s lived a really, really, rough life, but the girl looks like mid to late thirties to me. Now Lady Gaga is opening up about her rough life, though – and we may have an answer for why she looks older than the Grande Dame of Gristle herself, Madonna.

According to Gaga, she “did bags and bags of cocaine” back in the day (“the day” = 2005). Gaga says that all she would so is sit around doing coke and listening to The Cure. It sounds a lot like me when I was thirteen, minus the endless coke supply. Put in “bags and bags of chips” and that was my teenage experience circa 1992:

Lady GaGa has revealed her tough no-nonsense father save her from drug addiction. GaGa admitted spending long periods snorting cocaine alone in her cramped New York apartment, playing music by The Cure.

The Poker Face singer was giving a frank account of her abuse of the Class A drug – and admitted she thought she was going to die – before she became famous.

GaGa, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, said: ‘My father is a really powerful man, a telecom guy. So he looked at me one day and said, “You’re f***in’ up, kid.” And I looked at him and thought, “How does he know that I’m high right now?”

‘And he never said a word about the drugs, not one word. But he said, “I just wanna tell you that anyone you meet while you’re like this, and any friend that you make in the future while you are with this thing, you will lose.” And we never talked about it again.’

The 23-year-old began taking cocaine regularly in 2005 after dropping out of a music course at New York University to find fame.

“My cocaine soundtrack was The Cure. I loved all their music, but I listened to this one song on repeat while I did bags and bags of cocaine.’

She said: ‘I didn’t think there was anything wrong with me until my friends came over and said, ‘Are you doing this alone?’ “Um, yes. Me and my mirror”.’

‘But I was able to stop, because I was panicking more on the drugs than I was sober. So I’m fine now.’

However she admitted that she still likes to ‘party’. She told a US website ShockHound: ‘I can drink, and I’m not gonna say that I don’t party. But it’s not everyday, and it’s no longer a tool for my creativity.’

‘The label gets mad at me for talking about it – they say, “We don’t want people to think that you’re not a pop star.” But I am a pop star. I’m a pop star with a story!’

In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine earlier this year, GaGa also said she used drugs to drive the inspiration for her futuristic hair and make-up.

She said: ‘It was quite sick. I suppose that’s where the vanity of the album [The Fame] came from.’

After her confession, GaGa was in good spirits last night when she appeared in a wacky outfit at a party hosted by Dr Dre in Berlin. She wore a latex dress, mask and a Marilyn Monroe wig.

[From the Daily Mail]

Sigh, I miss The Cure. Oh, look an official fan site! The last update was in May, though, when Robert Smith was hosting a two-hour show on Sirius. Damn. That would have been good. Oh, look, an epic entry in Wikipedia! Who would have thought The Cure would have such geeky, anal retentive fans? Oh, right. Robert Smith is God of the Goth Nerds. Whatever happened to my copy of Disintegration?

Anyhoodle, does anyone think Lady Gaga’s story is little strange? Strange, as in, I don’t really buy it. How did she afford “bags and bags” of cocaine? Why did she just do lines and listen to The Cure? Didn’t she have the energy to get up and do something else? Oh, well. We’re not going to figure this out today. Better to just spend a few hours watching old Cure videos. Hey, remember when the Cure-heads thought Robert Smith sold out with “Love Song”? It’s still a great song, by the way.

Here’s Lady Gaga at the Monster Cable party at Tube Station nightclub Berlin last night. Images thanks to .

