Patrick Swayze releases photo from his ranch after fake death rumor

Patrick Swayze is hanging in there in his battle against terminal pancreatic cancer. Its pretty sad how the tabloids are printing details of his personal medical information, as if people are so interested in when and how hes going to die. Some things should be sacred, especially with someone who has lived as low-key a

Patrick Swayze is hanging in there in his battle against terminal pancreatic cancer. It’s pretty sad how the tabloids are printing details of his personal medical information, as if people are so interested in when and how he’s going to die. Some things should be sacred, especially with someone who has lived as low-key a life as Swayze. Some radio DJs went too far and started a rumor that he had passed, prompting Swayze’s rep to release a statement that it wasn’t true along with a nice picture of his client hanging out on his ranch in New Mexico with his wife of 34 years, Lisa Niemi:

The Internet exploded this morning with rumors that the Dirty Dancing star had lost his public battle with pancreatic cancer, but the actor’s rep has quickly corrected the record.

“This is to confirm that Patrick Swayze did not pass away this morning, contrary to severely reckless reports stemming from a radio station in Jacksonville, Fla.,” his publicist, Annett Wolf, says in a statement to E! News.

“Patrick is alive, well and is enjoying his life, and he continues to respond to treatment.”
The rep also released a new photo of Swazye and his wife, Lisa Niemi , taken last week at their New Mexico ranch.

The 56-year-old Beast star has been dogged by rumors of failing health since he made public his diagnosis last year.

The latest round came this morning, when his premature death was reportedly announced on air during a radio news segment on KISS-FM.

Adding to the confusion is that there are two Jacksonville-area radio stations with those call letters, though neither is eager to take credit for the report.

The programming director for 99.9 WKIS-FM, however, has already spoken out denying that the rumor originated on his airwaves.

As for Swayze, the actor is still waiting on another verdict—that of his A&E show.

The Beast did not appear on the cable net’s programming lineup when A&E unveiled its fall schedule last week, but a rep for the network said that a final decision about the show’s future has yet to be made.

[From E! Online]

We don’t often take the high road on CB, that’s not what we’re about, but we have a policy not to publish photos of celebrities at funerals and not to post serious medical details about celebrities unless they or their publicists confirm the news. In Swayze’s case the gossip press has been saying he’s about to keel for months and I’m sorry for putting it so bluntly but that’s what’s they’re doing and it’s not fair to him or his family. He is facing the toughest battle of his life and he doesn’t deserve to go through that and have to deal with all these rumors saying he’s about to die. No matter if that’s true or not he needs to keep his spirits up and those type of stories can only bring him down. How awful to have to hear a story that you’ve died. It’s nice to see this photo and hear that he’s hanging in there. We are thinking of him and rooting for him.

