The Best Row Exercises for Workouts to Blow Up Your Back Muscles

For building your back muscles, there are few better exercises than rows. The basic movement, which can be deployed in a wide range of varieties with just about every type of implement, is particularly effective because it can help to break you out of your typical patterns.

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For building your back muscles, there are few better exercises than rows.

The basic movement, which can be deployed in a wide range of varieties with just about every type of implement, is particularly effective because it can help to break you out of your typical patterns.

"Rowing movements are ideal for training your back because they directly offset the horizontal push positions that everyday life puts us in," says Men's Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S. "Throughout your day, you’re extending your arms out in front of you when you type at your computer, drive your car, or open a door. When you row, you don’t just hit your lats, but you also build your rhomboids and rear delts, key muscle groups that offset all the pushing motions of life."

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But there's more to rows than just strength. You'll be putting yourself in a better position than when you do some other exercises.

"Also, rows are shoulder-safe," continues Samuel. "Not everyone has the shoulder mobility to get their arms overhead for pullups (widely considered the gold standard for back exercises). But even if you lack that, you can still do rows."

Add these rows to your upper body workouts to build more back strength and size.

The Best Rowing Exercises to Build Your Back

Dumbbell Row

3 sets of 8 to 12 reps

Instead of putting your knee up on the bench, as you might have seen other lifters doing in the weight room, bend over and place your hand on the bench for an anchor point instead (or, if you're up for it, ditch the bench entirely).

Why make this change? When you support your weight on the bench, you take core stability out of the equation, and place your hips in a potentially compromising spot. Find out more about the reasoning behind the adjustment here.

Incline Bench Row

3 sets of 8 to 10 reps

The key to this variation is to use strict form and removing momentum from your rowing. Your stance, with your chest the bench, will help a great deal with that—but it's up to you to focus in for the rest.

You'll need to have the proper torso positioning on the bench, with your chest on the bench, feet planted, with your core and feet engaged. As you pull, focus on keeping your chest on the bench throughout the entire movement. Check here for more tips.

Barbell Row

3 sets of 8 to 10 reps

Your back won't be the only muscle group to benefit from this exercise. If you take our advice and flip your hands to an underhand (supinated) grip, you'll get your biceps more involved, too.

Another key to success: only move at the elbow and shoulder when you pull. Avoid rocking—if you can't row the weight up without using momentum, take plates off the bar. Check out this guide to fine tune your form even further.

Renegade Row

3 sets of 6 to 8 reps

Add some push to the pull with this exercise, which allows you to work opposing muscle groups together along with your core.

While you might be tempted to drop down into your standard pushup position, you'll need to adjust that starting point for the renegade row. Your legs should be spaced wider, and your hands (holding weights, in this case) should be stacked directly beneath your shoulders. Once you start pulling, don't try to follow a straight line. Instead, focus on driving your elbow back toward your lower ribs. You'll be less likely to over-rotate that way. Check out more tips here.

Inverted Row

3 sets of 8 to 10 reps

Head to the rack (or Smith machine, or broomstick-chair setup) for this pure pulling movement. You'll use your own bodyweight—and have a tougher time than you might expect.

One major cue: maintain perfect positioning. That means you engage your core and glutes as if you were in a plank. Then, get to pulling. For more tips, check this guide.

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