The Meaning Behind The Song: Foreign On The Block{Remix To Stunt Taylor-Fefe On The Block} by Angel

The song Foreign On The Block{Remix To Stunt Taylor-Fefe On The Block} by Angel Woodland is a rap song that was released on February 14, 2015. The song falls under the genre of rap and is composed by an unknown writer or composer. While there is limited information available about the specific details of the

TitleArtistWriter/ComposerAlbumRelease DateGenreProducer
Foreign On The Block{Remix To Stunt Taylor-Fefe On The Block}Angel WoodlandUnknownUnknownFebruary 14, 2015RapUnknown

The song “Foreign On The Block{Remix To Stunt Taylor-Fefe On The Block}” by Angel Woodland is a rap song that was released on February 14, 2015. The song falls under the genre of rap and is composed by an unknown writer or composer. While there is limited information available about the specific details of the song, we can explore the meaning behind its lyrics and the impact it has on listeners.

When listening to the lyrics of “Foreign On The Block{Remix To Stu Taylor-Fefe On The Block}”, the song portrays a sense of empowerment and confidence. The artist, Angel Woodland, embraces her identity as a “Foreign Queen” and celebrates her success in life, particularly in the streets. She expresses her ability to make money (“getting guap”) and her influence over others, who are drawn to her because she has the “streets on lock”.

In the lyrics, Woodland also highlights her material possessions, such as her foreign cars and her classy demeanor. She emphasizes her assertiveness by carrying a Glock for self-defense, warning others not to mess with her. The lyrics of the song also suggest that Woodland is not afraid to bring drama and confrontations onto her block, asserting her dominance in her neighborhood.

While the lyrics may seem bold and assertive, it is important to remember that music is often a form of self-expression and storytelling. The artist may use exaggerated language and themes to convey a message or create a persona for themselves. It is crucial to interpret the lyrics within the context of the artist’s own experiences and artistic expression.

Personally, I resonate with the confidence and empowerment conveyed in “Foreign On The Block{Remix To Stunt Taylor-Fefe On The Block}”. As someone who has faced adversity and challenges, I find solace and motivation in songs that embrace individuality and strength. This song reminds me to embrace my own successes and not be afraid to assert myself in the face of obstacles.

Furthermore, I appreciate the way Angel Woodland celebrates her identity as a “Foreign Queen” and takes pride in her accomplishments. This resonates with me as a reminder to be proud of my own heritage and background, even if it may be different from mainstream expectations. Woodland’s lyrics inspire me to embrace my uniqueness and the qualities that set me apart from others.

In conclusion, “Foreign On The Block{Remix To Stunt Taylor-Fefe On The Block}” by Angel Woodland is a rap song that embodies confidence and empowerment. Through its bold lyrics, the song celebrates success, individuality, and the ability to overcome challenges. While the specific details of the song may be limited, its meaning and impact can still resonate with listeners on a personal level.

