Toni Braxton Supports Kamala Harris For The Next Vice President

Toni Braxton shared a political post on her social media account. She showed her fans and followers that shes supporting Kamala Harris for the next VP. Check out her post and fans reactions below.

Toni Braxton shared a political post on her social media account. She showed her fans and followers that she’s supporting Kamala Harris for the next VP. Check out her post and fans’ reactions below.

‘girl power 💪🏽 congratulations to @kamalaharris our next vp 🤎’ Toni captioned her post.

Somoene said: ‘Why she is not for black people we need to stop looking at color and see who is for us it’s not her.’

A follower posted this: ‘Power to send more black men to jail…’ and another follower posted: ‘So excited to see her open doors for women. Blessings!!!! Change is coming.’

One commenter said: ‘No one of color who has actually read up on her should be celebrating this. But people go for the hype instead of reading…’

Someone else wrote: ‘Sorry but she’ll never get my vote… she alone put more people of color in prison then the two prior AG’s before her… Obama’s pulling Biden’s strings on this one,’ and another follower said: ‘please don’t just root for her because she’s a black woman. She ain’t for us. Do your research.’

A commenter posted this: ‘Yes, make sure y’all vote for her. I wish I could vote for her. We need a woman like her in Canada ❤️’ and one other follower said: ‘I disagree with this. I’ll still vote for him because it’s better then what we have now.’

Someone else wrote: ‘Yes we need her in our life! Congratulations to her‼🙏🏾❤👏🏼’ and a fan said: ‘She’s also responsible for imprisoning over 1500 people on marijuana charges when she used to smoke weed in college.’


In other news, Toni Braxton has her fans all emotional in the comments with a throwback video that she shared. You should check out the clip that she posted on her social media account.

