Touch of Sparkle campaign tops 8,000

In July, we reported on Touch of Sparkle, a campaign from Adam Lambert fans to offer care. The Touch of Sparkle project wascreated by Adam Lambert fans from the UK to offers care packages to patients undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer and other cancers. The project is run in aid of the Addenbrookes Charitable Trust

In July, we reported on Touch of Sparkle, a campaign from Adam Lambert fans to offer care.

The Touch of Sparkle project was created by Adam Lambert fans from the UK to offers ‘care packages’ to patients undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer and other cancers. The project is run in aid of the Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust in Cambridge, UK.

The packages include practical items (e.g. bed socks, tissues, takeaway vouchers, sweets, herbal tea for anti-sickness) as well as distractions (e.g. puzzle books, pens, earphones, playing cards) and pamper items (e.g. nail varnish, lipbalm, eyebrow powder for hair loss). There are very few care package projects for cancer patients running in the UK and this is the first of its kind at Addenbrookes.

The care packages are put together using fans’ donations from across the world, using GoFundMe and Amazon Wishlists to make everything possible, before being delivered to Addenbrooke’s Hospital.

CARE: Just some of the packages that the team have delivered.

Speaking to CelebMix, Emily Willdigg, Community Fundraising Assistant at Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust, said: “We are so grateful to Touch of Sparkle and all the fantastic contributors for enabling the care packs for chemotherapy patients to continue.

“We have had many positive comments about how lovely and thoughtful the packs are, and they have really made a difference to the experience of our patients. Thank you!”

Over 300 care packs have now been donated to cancer patients, worth oover £8000 in terms of funds and items donated.

This includes 50 care packs for women donated in October to mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month and 50 care packs for men donated in November to mark ‘Movember’ and men’s health issues. There are also plans to donate batches for young cancer patients and palliative care patients in 2016.

You can find out more about the campaign and donate by clicking here.

