Tributes pour in as Evansville resident passes away in tragic accident

The Evansville community is mourning the loss of Bryn Dant, a 35-year-old woman who reportedly passed away in a tragic accident on August 5 2023. While the details of the fatal crash are unknown, Bryn Dants husband, Brett, confirmed that the mother of four from Evansville, Indiana, died from an injury sustained during an accident

The Evansville community is mourning the loss of Bryn Dant, a 35-year-old woman who reportedly passed away in a tragic accident on August 5 2023. While the details of the fatal crash are unknown, Bryn Dant’s husband, Brett, confirmed that the mother of four from Evansville, Indiana, died from an injury sustained during an accident over the weekend.

In an obituary, Bryn's family described her as a kind and caring person, who was deeply involved in the community. In the wake of her passing, several people took to social media to pay their respects to the 35-year-old after the sudden loss rattled the Evansville community.

Meanwhile, the police said that they are currently exploring the circumstances that led to the fatal crash on Saturday.

The Evansville community mourns the loss of Bryn Dant in the wake of the tragic crash

In the obituary, Bryn Dan’t’s family disclosed that she graduated from FJ Reitz High School in 2006, where she played for the softball team. Bryn reportedly also played softball at Lincoln Trail College after graduating from high school. The obituary said:

“Bryn loved life; deeply loved her children and gave 110% in everything she did. She will be greatly missed by family, friends and anyone who knew her.”

In the wake of her passing, tributes came pouring in from friends and coworkers, who described the 35-year-old mother of four as an amenable and determined individual who cherished every moment of her life. In a tribute wall on Pierre's funeral home website, a friend identified as Natalie Salyers, who played softball with Bryn Dant in college, wrote:

“Praying God touches the family with his healing hands and gives the family strength and comfort to get through. I played softball with Bryn at LTC. She had a contagious laugh and was always so happy. But when it was time to play ball, she was ready and determined! What a beautiful soul she was. Rest in Heaven Bryn.”

Echoing the statement, a friend/co-worker, Laurie Thomas, who worked with Bryn Dant for over 10 years, wrote:

“I have worked with them for 10+ yrs. She was so much fun to work with. She made each day a joy. If you were having a bad day she would do or say something to make you laugh. Love you, pal.”

In a Facebook post, a friend identified as Danielle Houtsch recalled meeting Bryn Dant for the first time and said:

“I'm so thankful I ran into you just a month or so ago and we chatted about our crazy schedules of running our kids everywhere. I was Ashlynn Johnson's friend, but you accepted me from the get-go. I always loved the friendship you and your group of gals shared & all the shenanigans you all got into, you guys loved and laughed big...I know there will forever be a hole in your group now, but I KNOW they will always honor you in the best way."

Several others also posted touching tributes on Facebook.

As the community continues to mourn the loss of the beloved Evansville resident, Pierre Funeral Home announced funeral services for Bryn, which will reportedly be held at 10:00 AM on Friday, August 11, 2023.

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