Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt S2 E11 Review

Season 2 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is here and we feel like weve been waiting forever since Season 1 aired March 6th, 2015. Weve sat down completely willingly and have already binge-watched the entire 2nd season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and decided to review what we thought was utter perfection for a follow-up season! We

Season 2 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is here and we feel like we’ve been waiting forever since Season 1 aired March 6th, 2015.

We’ve sat down completely willingly and have already binge-watched the entire 2nd season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and decided to review what we thought was utter perfection for a follow-up season! We can promise you that you will not be disappointed by Season 2, it is just as hilarious as Season 1, maybe even better!

There are spoilers ahead in this article, each episode of Season 2 has been written about and labelled so you know where you can read to if you’re only a few episodes in and you don’t want any spoilers. You have been warned!

The theme tune still has us jamming every time and it’s great to hear it once again, let’s talk Season 2 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt!

Episode 11: Kimmy Meets a Celebrity.

Kimmy tries to work out her deep rooted anger towards her absent mother on the advice of her therapist Andrea but that is all interrupted when Cyndee, another mole-woman from Kimmy’s bunker, calls and lets Kimmy know that she is in New York City to meet her therapist (who she has been talking on the phone doing sessions with for a while.) It turns out that the therapist Cyndee has been talking to is day-time television therapist Dr Dave. Kimmy sits in the audience, very confused while Cyndee is in live therapy on TV. Dr Dave starts a feud between Kimmy and Cyndee because he wants a fight on his TV show for ratings and doesn’t really want to help Cyndee at all. Kimmy tries to let Cyndee know that Dr Dave is manipulating her just like the Reverend and Cyndee completely denies her ability to be easily manipulated despite what Kimmy says being true.

Dr Dave announces that he will be airing Cyndee and Brandon’s wedding live on television to the whole of New York, even though Brandon doesn’t really want to marry Cyndee, or any woman for that matter because he is gay as we learnt in season one. Brandon and his experience is exactly like what Titus went through with Vonda. Kimmy cries for the first time in 15 years knowing that Cyndee shouldn’t get married because she wants what Brandon can’t give her and as Kimmy has never cried before Cyndee decides not to get married because she saw Kimmy show emotions other than happiness towards the situation which means that Kimmy felt very deeply against the wedding.

Lillian is still handcuffed to a bulldozer, yet nobody notices because it’s a builders union holiday  for the rest of the week so she’s left alone to her own devices. Lillian admits that the neighbourhood is like her baby, she has to look after it and she can’t let it go.

Titus takes a drug trial and cannot shave is head and is mistaken for a father figure when a young boy asks him to buy him movie tickets for a date as he is not old enough. Titus helps the teenage boy, Tyler, get ready for the date by dressing him up from his sportswear into a shirt and tie.  Tyler, tells Titus that he wishes Titus was his dad and Titus realises that he wishes he had son, Titus then decides he wants a baby thinking that it’s as easy as he’s just made it with Tyler, then Tyler’s date doesn’t go so well and he shouts and Titus realises that it isn’t so easy being a parent, not even a fake dad. Titus starts talking about having a family of his own to his friends, a chosen family that he never had before he came to NYC.

We realised very quickly in Episode 11 that family isn’t always about who you’re born to, it’s about who you choose to have in your life and about which friends support you. That’s real family. Don’t forget, your CelebMix family love you!

Our favourite quotes of the episode are:

“I read the average American family has two and a half kids, so I hope we get to choose which half because I like the top that’s where the face is.” – Cindy.

 “Your mother is what I call your fathers’ credit card!” – Titus.“Your mother is what I call your fathers’ credit card!” – Titus.

8.6/10 star IMDB rating.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 2 Review 13

Overall, each and every episode in the second season considered, we’ve been taken on a journey of discovery with the cast of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. We admit, the first season was great so we were worried they wouldn’t be able to follow, but they did spectacularly. If you haven’t seen the show you really should and if you have, watch it again! The show is full of messages that every single person can relate to about love and friendship. The messages that Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt share are important whether it is the message of self-acceptance or accepting others. The character development in the show has blown us away and the characters feel even realer despite the ridiculousness of the situations they can get themselves into. CelebMix absolutely recommends that you watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt!

Did you watch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 2, already? What did you think? Let us know in the comments below or Tweet us @CelebMix

