Warzone 2 and MW2 Season 5 Reloaded preload size for all platforms

With Warzone 2 and MW2 Season 5 Reloaded just around the corner, it's time for players to make some space on their gaming systems. These titles are infamous for taking up a lot of hard drive space. Moreover, it isn't typical of Call of Duty to unveil the storage requirements before an update. If players

With Warzone 2 and MW2 Season 5 Reloaded just around the corner, it's time for players to make some space on their gaming systems. These titles are infamous for taking up a lot of hard drive space. Moreover, it isn't typical of Call of Duty to unveil the storage requirements before an update. If players want to join in on the action immediately once the update goes live, they must ensure that they aren't held back by a lack of storage space.

The Season 5 Reloaded update for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone is set to bring a host of new content. New game modes, Operators, and weapons are just a few new additions.

This article takes a closer look at the expected preload size for the Season 5 Reloaded update of MW2 and Warzone 2 for players running low on space or using the internet with limited data.

What is the preload size of Season 5 Reloaded of MW2 and Warzone 2?

The preload size of MW2 and Warzone 2's Season 5 Reloaded update hasn't been disclosed yet. However, players can make an accurate estimation based on the size of previous updates. For instance, the Season 5 patch on PC was around 15 GB. Similarly, the Season 4 Reloaded patch was 14.9 GB.

The following are estimates made taking into consideration the size of older updates:

  • PlayStation 4: 60.88 GB
  • PlayStation 5: 60.88 GB
  • Xbox One: 13.3 GB
  • Xbox Series X/S: 13.3 GB
  • PC (Steam and Battle.net): 15 GB

Considering the upcoming update will see the addition of only one new map, it isn't expected to cross the 15 GB mark with all platforms. However, it is worth noting here that these are merely estimates, and the update is expected to lie in the ballpark of the aforementioned sizes. Hence, the final download size of the upcoming Call of Duty patch might differ.

That covers everything there is to know about the preload sizes for MW2 and Warzone 2's upcoming mid-season update on all gaming platforms. The update is feature-rich and will allow players to enjoy the game in multiple ways, thanks to the new game modes. Moreover, with the addition of characters like Lara Croft, Mace, and 21 Savage, the Operator pool will be more diverse than ever.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2's Season 5 Reloaded will go live on August 30, 2023, at 9 am PT. The update will be available on Windows PC (via Battle.net and Steam), Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

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