Was Drake arrested and jailed in Sweden over marijuana possession?

Canadian hip-hop artistDrake is currently visiting Europe, there were some troubling news on Thursday night that left everybody astonished. According to multiple reports that spread like wildfire last night, Drake was arrested in Sweden by the local police over marijuana possession.

Canadian hip-hop artistDrake is currently visiting Europe, there were some troubling news on Thursday night that left everybody astonished. According to multiple reports that spread like wildfire last night, Drake was arrested in Sweden by the local police over marijuana possession.

They said that the rapper spent the entire night in jail due to this, but the news were proven fake a few hours after they broke. Absolutely every single major news outlet in the United States reported the initial news but they had to follow-up on them. Luckily, this was all fake news that made the entire world of music feel more relaxed because they were all worried about Drake.

Who confirmed Drake's fake news?

Huffington Post editor Philip Lewis was the one who looked further into the story and found out the truth. He checked directly with the Sweden police asking for Drake, they told him that the rapper wasn't arrested at all. In fact, his team reached out later to tell Lewis that Drake was confortably resting at his hotel.

There was actually a video of Drake having fun at a club that a lot of people posted saying the club was in Sweden. However, the videohasn't been confirmed as such. All the reliable sources said was that Drake wasn't arrested at all.

How did this Drake rumor originate?

The rumor started on social media and was picked up by several American news outlets. It goes like this. Allegedly, Drake and part of his security team were caught smoking marijuana inside a night club in Stockholm and were all arrested for it. They were supposed to spend the night in jail or go out on bail.

However, this was debunked as Drake is actually spending time in the country with family. He respondedby posting a couple of stories where he is safe and sound. Drake used a Mario Balotelli image to apparently mock everybody who fell on the fake news about his alleged arrest.

